
American artist Rita McBride’s (*1960) recent sculptures have been based on forms such as garages, awnings and conduit systems. Using bronze, vinyl or glass, she transforms the humble into the iconic and her sculptures elaborate on society’s experience with contemporary architectural design. For this exhibition which knows its first instalment at the Frac Bourgogne in Dijon, curator Eva Gonzalez-Sancho invited Belgian artist Koenraad Dedobbeleer (*1975) to collaborate with McBride. In spite of the artist’s use of references not totally unlike McBride’s, his process really acts in confronting the viewer to objects and space that have been undergoing very banal transformations. Dedobbeleer uses deconstruction and manipulation in order to reveal relationships between spaces and objects. Thinking about presentation is one of the main concerns in his work.
This exhibition is made in collaboration with the Frac Bourgogne in Dijon, France and travels to the Provincial Museum of Modern Art in Ostend, Belgium.
Next to this duo-show the Kunsthalle Bern invited young Swiss artist Aloïs Godinat (*1978) whose objects all proceed from an investigation into the act of ‘making’: framing, punching holes, piling, superposing, raising etc. With subtle gestures that shun any heroism, Godinat explores the slightest possibilities of artistic creativity. His rearrangements and permutations always remain fragile, in constant danger of falling apart or tipping over.