
Archive Stories (with Bernhard Giger)

Saturday, 24 June 2023, 02–05 pm

Archive Stories
A workshop with Bernhard Giger.
Please register until the previous day via: info_at_kunsthalle-bern.ch

What do we expect from an archive personally, perhaps even privately? This question stands at the beginning. Workshop host Bernhard Giger was in 1959, in the 1st grade of school, for the first time visiting the Kunsthalle and the exhibition by Henri Matisse. This created a bond, and it would be interesting to know more about it today, 64 years later.

The workshop looks for such biographically fixed points – also among the participants – and whether there are connections to the archive of the Kunsthalle, documents, catalogs, photographs. The workshop will look at personal events and experiences in the Kunsthalle, encounters, image deepening, curious, perhaps also mysterious moments. It begins with a short guided tour through the archive. Archive materials are available for the following conversation at the large table. They are not only meant to be a starting point, they are above all meant to be an inspiration for the archive stories that develop from there.

If you like, we invite you to bring your own private documents, an opening photo, a letter, a dedication in a catalog, things like that.