
Features with Sadie Plant (philosopher and author)

12 May – 2 October 2023

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The Kunsthalle Bern will host Sadie Plant from May to October 2023. More of a writer in passing than an artist in residence Sadie Plant will respond to everything around the Kunsthalle Bern exhibitions – during visits to the Kunsthalle Bern and in discussions, commentaries, reflections, and arguments on her blog. (Printed excerpts from the blog are available for reading at the Kunsthalle).

Sadie Plant is from Birmingham, England, and studied philosophy at the University of Manchester.
She published three books in the 1990s: The Most Radical Gesture, which grew out of her Ph.D. on the Situationists; Zeros and Ones, which offers an alternative, feminist account of the history and nature of digital technology; and Writing on Drugs, in which she argues that the enormous influence of psychoactive substances on mainstream Western culture makes the so-called “war on drugs” become absurd.
Sadie Plant is also a translator and has written numerous texts on the arts. She has taught at the Universities of Birmingham and Warwick, at the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, and in the BA Fine Arts program at ZHdK. She currently teaches on the MA Contemporary Arts Practice program at HKB.

Features is a new art education program at Kunsthalle Bern.
Art mediators are guests at the Kunsthalle Bern for six months and react to the exhibitions or the Kunsthalle Bern as a place and institution from their individual context and practice. The result is an exchange that enables shifts, expansions and openings.
There are not many restrictions, but the residency will result in a contribution that is public.