
Features – With Gila Kolb and Konstanze Schütze

Micro research

Friday, 22 July 2022, 06 pm

The event will take place on site as well as online.
For the zoom version please register here: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEvf-uhpj0iGdaZ866lfS6zwEoezvYljNl9

The second edition of Features is dedicated to space, more precisely the free space for art mediators to think, hang out, go for walks, take action and to be on location together.
For one week, Features will take place as a shared thinking space in an apartment in Bern, where Konstanze Schütze (Junior Professor for Art Media Education, University of Cologne) and Gila Kolb (Research Professor for the Didactics of the Arts) will develop their research.
In addition, they will be available from Monday to Thursday between 2 and 4 pm in the Kunsthalle Bar for conversations and an exchange. Get in touch and join!

The findings of the micro-research will be presented in a Lecture Performance moderated by Kabelo Malatsie.
The event is open to the public and free of charge.

Konstanze Schütze is junior professor for Art Media Education in the Intermedia program at the University of Cologne. Her focus is on art education and image-based media theory. She investigates inter-institutional approaches and transformational potentials for a critical mediation of image complexes under the conditions of digitality.

Gila Kolb is a research professor in the didactics of the arts and a lecturer in the MA Art Education at HKB Bern. She is interested in how questions can be posed in such a way that they do not lead to an already known answer. https://aligblok.de

Together they work as agency art education: https://agencyart.education