
Kunsthalle Bar

Maria Eichhorn

Shares in the Kunsthalle Bern, 2005

15 – 17 August 2018

Maria Eichhorn displays an informational placard and her video, Shares in the Kunsthalle Bern, at the newly built Kunsthalle Bar to promote her ongoing initiative that makes unlimited shares of equity capital in the Kunsthalle Bern Association available for purchase. Eichhorn’s re-issuing of Association share certificates-initiated as a central component of the artist’s 2001 exhibition Money at the Kunsthalle Bern-continues to raise significant questions today about the legal-economic structure of the Kunsthalle and its constituent relations.

Video, 6 min., loop
courtesy of the Kunsthalle Bern Foundation and the Kunstmuseum Bern.

in the context of:
Contractual Situations We Live By