
Book Launch: Into Your Solar Plexus

Tuesday, 17 May 2016, 07–09 pm

Into Your Solar Plexus (ed. Donatella Bernardi). Milan: Humboldt Books, 2016.
With texts by Lars Arrhenius, Donatella Bernardi, Luciano Bernardi, Christian Gossweiler, Katja Schenker, Hala Schoukair, and Olav Westphalen

Graphic Design: Noémie Gygax, texts in English, 96 pages, 470 images
This book follows the exhibition Morgenröte, Aurora borealis and Levantin: Into Your Solar Plexus, curated by Donatella Bernardi at the Kunsthalle Bern, 30 January – 7 June 2015.